Saturday, December 06, 2008

Post subject:

Hi drtanboonsiong, I've moved the discussion to "Member Recommended Resources" as it's more appropriate here. The page link is in Chinese I believe, so an English site would be better suited for most of our members. Birds nest soup is something many will be taken aback on as it means eating the saliva of a bird. However, it is a widely used food and medicinal source to the Orient and worth merit in its claims.

According to Wikipedia, "

"... the nutritional value of 100 g of dry nest includes 49.9 g of water-soluble protein (including amido nitrogen, monoamine nitrogen, non-amino nitrogen, arginine, humin, histidine, lysine and cysteine), 30.6 g carbohydrate (glycoprotein and mucin), 4.9 g iron, 2.5 g inorganic salt (including potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, phosphorus, silica and other trace elements), and 1.4 g fiber (Dictionary of Traditional Chinese Medicine, The History of Chinese Medicine and the Nutrition Table)...

" Further it is used to assist coughs, asthma, skin, etc. and ties right into the HCL discussion recently as it contains the elements needed to promote proper secretions of the digestive juices... and this is linked with assisting these ailments in scientific research of both the bird's nest itself as well as the studies done on the elements within this food source. In this article: Health Benefits BIRD’S NEST NUTRITIONAL VALUES February 28th, 2006 " develop the generation and growth of human cells, rejuvenates the human skin and increases the immune system. Research has also found that bird’s nest contains the epidermal growth factor. This helps explain why Chinese herbalists often prescribe bird’s nest to people who fail to thrive or grow for no apparent reason. Independent laboratory investigation has also revealed that bird’s nest contains a water-soluble glyco-protein that promotes cell division within the immune system. These findings lend support to the belief that bird’s nest promotes growth and tissue repair. Not only that, bird’s nest strengthens the body’s self-regulating actions and provides resistance to disease..." As far as it's alkalinity levels... haven't been able to locate actual values on it's Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, and Phosphorus which is needed to get to the actual PRAL (Potential Renal Acidic load), so those interested in this I'd recommend treating it as more acidic due to the protein element. Count into the "Good Acids" ratios if using until more is known on this source. Welcome to the forum, Yours, Ceci



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