Wednesday, April 29, 2009




“高价进口燕窝含致癌物 市场添加剂超标鲜见”

中国食品产业网 (2009年4月28日11:40)
高价进口燕窝含致癌物 市场添加剂超标鲜见





文章编辑:aimee 文章来源:天天新报 文章作者:”


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Birdnest with ginger, A recommended formula for anti cancer

Hi, dear friends,
Another extract to show that when birdnest boiled with ginger, it is an alkaline drink and with anti cancer properties. Please read the following message:-


You have "A Cancer Killer in your Kitchen"... GINGER.

The powerful healing effects of ginger have been well documented. It's a proven remedy for upset stomach. Reams of studies show that it inhibits inflamation. And there is substantial evidence that it fights cancer, too. For instance, a recent University of Michigan study showed that when ginger was added to ovarian cancer cells in the laboratory, it caused the cancer cells to self-destruct (a process known as "APOPTOSIS").

In a separate study at the University of Minnesota, researchers injected colon cancer cells into mice that were bred to have no immune system. Half of these mice were routinely fed gingerol,
the main active component in ginger. The researchers found that the mice that were fed gingerol lived longer, their tumors were smaller, and the cancer did not spread as widely as in the control group..

With all these health benefits, you should be using ginger as often as you can. The best way I've found to get a healthy serving of ginger is to juice it. (The brand of juicer I use is an Omega.) Two or three days a week, I juice an apple or two, some carrots, spinach, broccoli, cabbage, and a big piece of ginger root.

The ginger gives the drink a great flavor and a powerful anti-cancer kick. I highly recommend that you try it.


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Monday, April 06, 2009

What can soluble amino acids in purebirdnest can do for you?

Have you ever heard of soluble amino acids? Do you still hunting for this precious gift from Malaysia's Pure Birdnest soup?

Recent scientific research by University of Technology Malaysia shown that Malaysia's Pure Birdnest contains 17 types of soluble amino acids which cannot produced by our body but needed very much by our body. Besides, soluble pure birdnest also contains rich minerals like sodium, potassium, magnesium,phosphorus,iron, copper....

To look for soluble amino acids for many is just like mirage. But true, now you can easily obtained by just logon to google search engine to look for pure birdnest.

What can Malaysia's Pure Birdnest Soup Benefits our Health?

First, from the analysis reports shown that pure birdnest contains ash, fibre,carbohydrates, amino acids,minerals and moisture. Those elements are soluble. Besides , it is rich in antioxidants which use to combat free radicals in our body. Due to its alkalinity, and the epidermal growth factors, it promotes cells growth and research is going on to test for anti- cancer elements. Due today, many Chinese believed it is good effect for treating tuberculosis, dry coughs, asthma and many general weakness due to bronchial aliments. It is traditionally used to nourish the kidney, lung, heart and stomach. Pure birdnest contains glycoprotein and its has mitogenic effect which can stimulates cell growth. The tonic power of pure birdnest soup is believed to improve skin complexion and slow down the aging process.

For many, it is impossible to obtain birdnest soup. But for those thinking out of the box, many miracles will happened and it is just a precious gift from heaven. Malaysians are clever to obtain technology to lure cave swiflets to reside in man made condominium. They played swiflets noise frequency and create a cave environment in the created environment with temperature between 26 to 30 degree Celcius and Humidity of 80 and above. The environment is very conducive for roosting nestling.. and now that how pure birdnest is obtained and we are lucky to be able to enjoy the healthy tonic drink.


Birdnest Extract for Antiaging Serum and Lotion

Bird's Nest Extract for Skin- HMG

A Wholesome Anti-Aging Tonic for Skin

The consumption of Edible Bird's Nest (EBN) can be traced back to 1000 years ago during the Tang Dynasty (A.D. 618- 907). During that era, only the family of the Emperor and his minister had the privilege of consuming the highly priced bird's nest to maintaining their health and youthfulness. Bird's nest contains glycoprotein. This special glycoprotein carries the mitogenic effect properties and is known as Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) which can stimulate cell growth. It is also traditionally used to nourish kidneys, lungs, heart and stomach. The tonic powers of bird's nest are believed to improve skin complexion and slow the aging effect. Consuming EBN regularly can give a person exuberant physical and mental strength as well as to restore one's youthfulness. However, the consumption of bird's nest and the wholesome nutrients will not be absorbed 100% by the human skin.

By using high technology equipment and technology, these wonderful nutrients are extracted and made into very small delton size in order to allow these nutrients to penetrate into the skin cells. HMG regenerates skin cells by stimulating the cells growth, thereby, reduces the visible signs of ageing, fine lines, wrinkles and uneven skin tone. The skin will look healthy and glow beautifully only when the cells renew and the old cells peel off naturally.

The actual functions and the anti-ageing properties have not been scientifically and intensively studied. Initial medicinal function research studies on EBN begun in 1986 when a group of researchers in the Chinese University of Hong Kong studied the glycoprotein properties of the EBN. They have since expanded the scope of studies on the effects of EBN. Kong et al. (1986) have shown that a partially purified glycoprotein extract from EBN has an EGF like activity and mitogenic effects. The protein is recognized to improve the immune functions to accelerate the cell development. In mammals, EGF stimulates the proliferation of various epidermal and epithelial tissues and in cell cultures where it stimulates thymidine and amino acid incorporation in human fibrblasts and initiates 3T3 fibroblast cell division (Carpenter and Cohen, 1979). In some of those clinical trials and animal studies, it is said that antioxidant supplementation may additionally protect skin by stimulating collagen and proteoglycan synthesis.

HMG contains the mixture of amino acids obtained from glycoprotein in EBN. The principal amino acids content are aspartic acid and serine. They are natural water- soluble source of amino acid derived from EBN; these acids help moisture penetrate the skin and further aid in absorption, and skin healing. It is important in cells energy production, facilitates regulation of cell function, helps build up immune system by producing immuno-globulins and antibodies and maximizes skin repair. This will result in reduction of fine lines and increase skin firmness and tone. In most cases, any person beyond the age of 24 will begin to experience that his older face matches the mask less and less. This of course is not an overnight phenomenon but as a rule

As a person ages, communication diminishes within the skin, resulting in decreased collagen production and an accumulation of degraded elastin fibers. Peptides function as messengers in the skin, allowing the epidermis and dermis to communicate more efficiently. The peptides in HMG can also protect skin from environmental stress that result in wrinkling, It also increases skin hydration and elasticity.

In previous years, there was little scientific evidence to substantiate the many anti-agieng claims of Edible Bird Nest (EBN). Even though there are many is gradual, and occurring over a period of years. This "face aging" is actually a function of several physiologic changes that occurs with time.The collagen in the face becomes less elastic and allows the soft tissue features of the face to sag. In addition facial fat is generally lost with age making the facial soft tissues thinner. Finally the facial soft tissues gradually becomes weaker, compounding the visual "thinning" of the facial soft tissues, as well as making the facial bones appear more prominent.

As a result a normal adult face ages with time progressively and this varies in an archetypal adult mask in the following manner:

- The cheeks sag inferiorly resulting the appearance of jowls

- The corners of the mouth move inferiorly resulting in a slight frown look

" The tissue around the eyes sag inferiorly

" The eyelids, upper and lower, themselves sag inferiorly

- The tissue of the forehead drifts inferiorly, creating wrinkles and dropping the eyebrows downward and giving them a flatter appearance

" The nose may elongate and move the tip inferiorly

" The nose may develop a small to pronounced dorsal hump

- The tip of the nose may enlarge and become bulbous

" Generalized wrinkling of the face may occur

HMG contains bio-minerals like calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium which regulates cell turnover, regulates epidermis, the bio-minerals ion is essential to all living skin's cells, add in cells building, protein formation and assists in DNA production.

Therefore, a bird's nest extract specially designed for skin rejuvenation was identiflcally discovered -codenamed by us as HMG. It comprises of amino acids, glyco-proteins, peptides, biominerals and added with EGF to work together to produce a seemingly miraculous rebirth of the skin through stimulation and renewal of the outer layer, allowing the skin's natural rejuvenation process to function at its prime. It is only "natural" that people would want them in a skin care product. For further information you may come by
